Thursday, January 17, 2013

Marylou Greenhill

I visited with Marylou yesterday (Jan 16, 2013) She is doing good and says hello to all her blogger friends.
                                                  Brenda Casteel

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Sometimes I wonder why
there is a moon, a sky,
Why there is war, and peace, love, and hate.
Why there is a plan we follow, to what end.
Does it really matter
that we change before too late?

Your love once enfolded me and made a cloke
Which protected me against the world.
I didn't mind what people thought and said
It was everything just to be your girl.

I miss someone to turn to, in my restless sleep;
Someone to cuddle me against his heart.
More than just to love and be loved
For an hour and then have to part.

Maybe I just don't understand the changes
That have suddenly taken over me.
I thought at first this was the life I wanted
That was before I really knew love, you see!
I guess I should be content with what I have
I usually know this and am happy to be free.
But I don't want freedom anymore, I want you to
Build a cage of love
and make a prisoner of me.

Monday, November 5, 2012


People look in the eyes of man
There is little they will do - or- can.
But Jesus looks into the heart,
And does it all except your part.

That is to lift up Holy Hands
in praise - live Holy.
And at every opportunity
Leave a lively testimony.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


The Apostolic Church, 6th & Dakota,
Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 

The Apostolic Church is not a man-made organization. It can not be traced in the Church history as a Protestant group from the Roman Catholic Church, but wherever you fine an Apostolic Church, they preach the same thing, denouncing man-made creeds and all follow the teaching of the Apostles, as they follow Jesus Christ. Therefore using the Bible as their guideline, do declare themselves to be the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ whose first members are read of in Acts 2 and 4 of the Holy Bible.

Other than for business (earthly) we do not have organization because we believe you can not join the real Church, but must be born again of water and spirit. So if one is interested in the beginning of the Apostolic Church, he must go back beyond Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Campbell and beyond the formation of the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD. One must go back to Calvary, to the death of Jesus Christ where by His blood, the wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles was torn down, counting all under sin, but making it possible that all can be born again.

The differences in our Church and some others are... we teach:

A. Repentance (absolute dying out of sin)
B. Baptism (immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, for JESUS is the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost)

C. Holy Ghost (received not as a second blessing, but as the absolute Spirit of God.) We do not teach trinity. This doctrine is not in the Bible, but began to be taught some 300 years after Christ. The Bible DOES teach one God.

(Eph. 4&5) One Lord, One faith, One baptism.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


In tragedy's darkest hour, When
life would seem unfair,
The fragileness of life for us,
Is highlighted by His care.

For in these fleeting moments,
We know all is in His hand,
He knows and cares for us,
Tho' we might not understand.

So, we lean on Him,
And as always, we must pray,
Knowing this, too, will pass,
There'll come a brighter day!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Lord, we ask your blessing on
This instrument of praise
That all who hear it's, music
Are reminded of your ways.
That burdens can be lifted
If entrusted to your care
Swept away in glory waves
As it's sweet music fills the air!

Monday, October 29, 2012

At home with the Greenhill's

Marylou - Jan 16, 2013

Harold & Marylou  10/29/2012








Friday, October 26, 2012


There is a clock hanging on the wall
It seems secure so as not to fall.
The numbered dial is filled with light
The pendulum swings left and right.

The hours are marked by a chime
And the Tics Tocs come right on time.
It's true purpose lost, all's not well
There are no hands, the time to tell!

There is a Christian, living the life
Standing for God, no matter the strife,
Setting an example, honest and true
Loving and serving as best he can do.

Faithful in attendance, tithes and prayer
seems to self and the world, doing his share,
His purpose as the clock's, is lost in life
If he's not at his best, winning souls to Christ.


I'm searching for a fullness
That yet I haven't found,
But God let me find a nugget
To know the vein is around.

He knew I wasn't giving up,
But felt me slack my pace,
Knew, that this would spur me on,
To diligently seek His Grace.

You see, He truly knows us all
And knows what's in our heart,
With prayer, He'll give me more,
Now that I have made a start.

His promise isn't just for me
That's why it's so grand!
He'll pick you up and lead you
If you'll just reach up your hand.


Jesus Said
"Love your enemies
Do good to them that hate you,
Bless them that curse you,
Pray for them that despitefully use you"
Could you? Would you?
Call someone up today
Knowing hard feelings exist.
Could you call them and say
"I'd like to say I'm sorry
And put the past behind.
I'd like to be your friend, again
I'm sure the fault was mine."
Or if you met a stranger,
Whose ways were oh, so crude;
Who cursed you needlessly,
Was vulgar and really rude-
Could you? would you?
Silently say a prayer,
Asking Jesus to bless him now
Because you really care?
Are you truly inspired by God's love
To repay bad deeds with good,
All because you want what's right
And not just because you should?
Could you? would you?
Let God completely, guide your way,
Then this wonderful way of life
Becomes your pattern for each day

                      Inspired by Luke 6:27-28