Saturday, November 3, 2012


The Apostolic Church, 6th & Dakota,
Pine Bluff, Arkansas. 

The Apostolic Church is not a man-made organization. It can not be traced in the Church history as a Protestant group from the Roman Catholic Church, but wherever you fine an Apostolic Church, they preach the same thing, denouncing man-made creeds and all follow the teaching of the Apostles, as they follow Jesus Christ. Therefore using the Bible as their guideline, do declare themselves to be the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ whose first members are read of in Acts 2 and 4 of the Holy Bible.

Other than for business (earthly) we do not have organization because we believe you can not join the real Church, but must be born again of water and spirit. So if one is interested in the beginning of the Apostolic Church, he must go back beyond Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Campbell and beyond the formation of the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD. One must go back to Calvary, to the death of Jesus Christ where by His blood, the wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles was torn down, counting all under sin, but making it possible that all can be born again.

The differences in our Church and some others are... we teach:

A. Repentance (absolute dying out of sin)
B. Baptism (immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, for JESUS is the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost)

C. Holy Ghost (received not as a second blessing, but as the absolute Spirit of God.) We do not teach trinity. This doctrine is not in the Bible, but began to be taught some 300 years after Christ. The Bible DOES teach one God.

(Eph. 4&5) One Lord, One faith, One baptism.

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